Sunday, November 7, 2010

The unknown land

For the unknown women of war ravaged earth, whose  mutated genetic endowment yielded a generation of malformed progeny
Who ?
Who opened in to my thoughts, my reminiscence ,
the gate ways of the unknown land …………………..
Aloof from the ravaged, devastated , fossil formed city,
A land …………………….
Like , the  priaries of  a new warfront,
Like a reflection of the unborn tomorrows.
A land with mutated genome flourishing in the ,
vastness of merciless deserts.
Revolutionized beings, reincarnated civilizations !!!!!!!!
A land like the ghostly shadow that sprouts ,
after the heavy shower of uranium rained off ………………………
A land where wind heaves like the laments on -
spurned , spuked aborted remnants of all ………..dreams and aspirations.
Every sweep of air reverberating with the silent yearnings ,
like that of crushed souls ……………….of women under veils .
A land like a divine prophecy of genocide .
I never know ………….who ?
Who opens the gate ways of a land ………..
Where a mother pulls off the fear some species suckling her breast,
the sacred remnant of  meaningless wars fought ……………..
    and hides in to insanity ……………………..
A land made barren , where wombs crave for forbidden truths .
Who opens in to my thoughts ……………………………………………………

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